The Recreation and Park Commission
for the Parish of East Baton Rouge was created by a State Legislative Act
in 1946 as a separate and distinct body whose purpose is to develop, maintain
and operate public park and recreational properties and facilities for
all the people in East Baton Rouge Parish. BREC is a political subdivision
of the State of Louisiana and does not operate under the City-Parish Government.
Money for financing land purchases,
construction of facilities, maintenance, and the operation of many varied
programs is obtained from tax voted on by the citizens of East Baton Rouge
Parish, and from income from facilities, concessions and programs. Other
funds come from local governmental agencies and the federal government.
The Commission is composed of nine
members, six of whom are appointed, two each year, to serve a three-year
term, by the Metro Council; and three of whom are ex-officio members, these
being the Mayor-President, a member of the School Board, and a member of
the City-Parish Planning Commission. The Commisssion members receive no
compensation for their services, but accept their appointments in the interest
of civic betterment.
Programs, facilities and services of
BREC are available to all citizens regardless of race, color, national
origin, sex, age or disability.