Duffy's First Catch!

Internet Fish Stories

to the

Internet Fishing Hole

Select your bait , cast it into the sea of information , wait for the nibble , then set the hook.
Like the young man above on his first fishing trip, it may be fun, but some times fish can be unappealing
and they are not very smart.

The fish you'll catch here are the ones that, like me, will take the bait simply because it's put out there.

My story goes like this................................................................

It was a dark and stormy night as I sat down to the keyboard to do a little e-mail check of " net-happenings", to see what was new on the "the Net", and as I was soon to find out, what was Lurking in the Net for an innocent like me..
The e-mail message to the subscribers of this particular list were invited to contribute "Soluble Fish" to a Fish Page to be construced by contributors like me.
"Soluble Fish" ? sounded interesting.
The fish should be only " this big " with the appropriate size 1" X .50" rectangle depicted in the message text..
There were other instructions on how to, and who to, send your creations to via the FTP and e-mail address given.

You see the great gif I constructed.

I also duly forwarded the requested Personal Fish Related Great Truth:

"It is difficult to swim in a school when the Ocean is filled with sharks"

Not bad? Huh? Really!!
Anyway the e-mail Bait even had this cute "Soluble Fish" >>|<|||||||"> thingy.
Hey..............., if it's on "The Net" it HAS to be true, Right?
So I spent several hours designing the wonderful fish graphic you see on this page,
Software Tech Talk is available on 40,358 other WWW pages so I won't bore you with my simpletons' shareware graphics technique}.
I really felt good about me, NEWBIE_2, invited to participate in the "Soluble Fish Project" >>{::|||||>'>.
I had difficulty sending the requested graphic and text.

" Newbie Dumbs" I thought.

Several more failed attempts at getting my entry to load to this nameless FTP site ,
( to protect the Net Master Fisherman),
should have tipped me off, but like a fish in new waters I nibbled at the bait.
I dutifully sent the suggested e-mail request for "help" to the "Soluble Fisherman" of this Net " fish project".
My "help" e-mail was sent several times but never answered. Nor was it bounced back to me as undeliverable.

Soooooooo............................................................ ............................................................................. .
slowly I turned........................... step.................................by.................... step..........................
Looking into my NiteSky(tm) screen saver on the monitor I saw to my horror.......................... ...................
That reflecting back to me was the visage of..... of.........................of................................................ .......................an

Internet Fish

The "Net" is out there waiting for................

You !!!

A sadder but wiser Newbie2 passes on this story for the newbie surfer who chances upon this fishing hole.

Be wise and remember:

It is difficult to swim in a school when the Ocean is filled with sharks.
Fin-ishing School does not prepare one to swim in an ocean filled with Sharks

If you doubt my story send your e-mail address to me at the Snail Mail address below and I'll send you a hard copy of the "net-happenings" posting complete with e-mail and FTP address so you can try for yourself.

If you've ever been a FISH on the Net or even tempted to take the Bait send your Fish Story to:

P.O.Box 65356
Baton Rouge, LA 70896
e-mail comments to:

Post your fish story on this page. What else can you do with an electronic fish story?

More Internet Fish Stories BACK to AEV


Created By: AEV March 2, 1995
Updated: 01.03.20
Copyright © March 1995-2020 AEV
All Rights Reserved