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Your SEEKnFIND Mailing List
SeeknFind is a mailing list where subscribers help other subscribers find information in the Internet.

To subscribe to the SeeknFind mailing list, send a message to:

...and in the BODY of your message, type: 

subscribe seeknfind

You can also manage your subscription from the WWW:

ASHLists Subscription Options Page

**Please visit our SeeknFind List Archives. **

Click here for the old archives.

Distinquished Members' Sites we invite you to visit.

SQD Place
Useful Things
NetZero Mailing List and Everything NetZero
Brian's WWW Page
Mi página personal
Curt's Corner in Cyberspace
{Write me if you would like me to include your web site, here.}

If you only have e-mail access to the web and are reading this page having obtained it by accmail methods and you wish to view the page as you would see the page in it's entirety in a web browser, then use accmail methods to download the following zip file that contains all the HTML and image files used to construct our SeeknFind site. You can then unzip the files into a single directory and open the index.html file in a browser and you will be able to see the page as the rest of the list sees the page.

You can obtain an index of ASHLists autoresponder files by sending a blank message to:

More information and links for SeeknFind Members on the MoLinks Page.

The Any Portal in a Storm - forms gateways has moved Here.

This is an...
An ashandrr logo

SeeknFind members can contact me at my ISP e-mail address shown to them in my posts to the list and their Welcome Letter.

Visitors and spambots can write me here: e-mail [].

This site constructed using a text editor, a Ouija board, an Etch-A-Sketch and a lot of elbow grease.

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